Amazon Branding Expert


Client work on Amazon for Trisbell

GRAPHICS | digital ads | layout | Photo editing | illustration


Trsibell focuses on helping clients to build their brand on Amazon. My role primarily focuses on creating visuals for Amazon’s AtF and BtF areas and Amazon brand stores that establish a strong visual identity for the client. I also work with clients to establish a presence on Amazon through effective copy writing and brand messages.

Clients: GoBiotix, EllaOla, GIMME, and Young Nails


EllaOla is a high end, luxury baby good brand. I worked directly with them to optimize their visual and written content to aid in the customer experience on Amazon. I created the images in the product carousel (AtF) and the images on the BtF, to tell the stories of their product and brand. My designs are insight driven, user centric, systematically tested and proven to be profitable.

Check it out on Amazon.

Above the Fold

Take a closer look


GoBiotix is a high-quality, all-natural supplement brand. I worked directly with them to optimize their brand store on Amazon. I designed the layout of the store, edited images, wrote the content, and linked all the products. Their bold, playful brand store tells the narrative of their products and brand.

Check it out on Amazon.

GoBiotix Brand Store


GIMME is an innovative brand for hair solutions, tools, tutorials & beauty tips. I worked directly with them to update optimize their existing BtF (below the fold) content. I transformed the old style banners into new banners using Amazon’s modules with live text, thus allowing for better SEO. These optimizations have led to increased traffic and profitability for each product.

Check it out on Amazon.

New optimized Below the Fold with live text