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Small Everyday Acts to Save the Planet Without Leaving Your House



Strategy | Writing | Layout | Illustration | PRODUCTION


In a market with overwhelming options and beliefs, a strong brand can be more effective than ever. Small Everyday Acts to Save the Planet is a little book with large ambitions. It is an easy to follow, modern guide to eco-friendly living.

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The Approach:

In a world of increasing want for ease, this book will inspire you to change a few small habits in your life without even leaving your home. This fun and stylish book is the first of its kind with a target audience of millennial women between the ages of 23 and 35. Each chapter walks the reader through rooms of the home with simple and do-able tips and tricks to be more earth-friendly.

Saving the planet is a huge task, but each person can make it very manageable by contributing in small ways. Regardless of whether you’ve decided to go “green” to help the environment, to save money, or just see how simple making small eco-friendly lifestyle adjustments can be, every step you take towards “greener” living is one that helps the world.

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Mantras to Live By (if you’re too lazy to read the book):

  • Re-usable not disposable. Re-usable items can reduce tons of environmentally damaging materials.

  • Fix it. If you can fix it, do it. You will save money long term and produce less waste because the energy isn’t going into making new products.

  • Refill it. Not only is tap water cheaper but it also eliminates tons of environmentally damaging plastic. Take a refillable water bottle with you everywhere you go.

  • Thrift it. Rather than always buying brand new clothes and home decor, try to buy gently used items to help save some money and the environment. Doing so can reduce landfill waste, as well as lower the energy that goes into producing new items. 

  • Shop local. Eating locally cuts down on the fuel used to transport products, and also helps support the producers in your neighborhood.

  • Consume less. Buy less. Save time and money as well as the planet.